Horst Jüssen Intensifying the PressurePRC is becoming Germanys most important non-European trade partner

BERLIN/BEIJING (2011/03/16) - The People's Republic of China is in the process of bypassing the United States of America to become Germany's most important non-European trade partner and is catching up to Germany's European trade partners, according to new statistics published by the German Asia-Pacific Business Association. Simultaneously China is continuing to increase its foreign investments, seeking to invest more heavily in European countries, particularly in Germany, therefore read more
18.03.2011 • By German Foreign Policy
18.03.2011 • By German Foreign Policy
★1917: Donner aus Petrograd zehn Tage, die die Welt erschüttern
Roter Oktober ...die Revolution beginnt!
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★Wenn die Front quer ist, wird das Ergebnis mindestens schief
Mimikry Kampf der Querfront!
• mehr zum Thema
★Hands off! Hände weg von der Volksrepublik China!
Hände weg! Von der Volksrepublik China
• und noch mehr!

Federal Republic of ChinaBerlin is cheering the fact that Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo
BERLIN/BEIJING (2010/10/11) - Berlin is unanimously cheering the fact that this year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo. Already in the past, Chancellor Merkel has taken initiatives in favor of this Chinese "dissident" demanding his release from prison and will continue to do so, declared a spokesperson for the German government. Liu received the prize for his "struggle for fundamental human rights in China", writes the German read more
11.10.2010 • By German Foreign Policy
11.10.2010 • By German Foreign Policy
our man in Beijing[ III ] Germany versus China |
Anti-chinese baiting - a question of fashion?"fuck you, China" and the case "Philipp Plein" |

The Future of "East-Turkestan"Xinjiang-riots: german diplomatic affronds against Beijing

BEIJING/URUMQI/MUNICH (2009/07/07) - Berlin is using the riots in the Xinjiang region in western China to launch strong attacks against Beijing. Claudia Roth, Chairperson of the German Green Party, is demanding that the People's Republic initiate "speedy and unconditional investigations" into the bloody conflicts. Influential media in Germany read more
07.07.2009 • By German Foreign Policy
07.07.2009 • By German Foreign Policy
Dalai Lama calls Qinghai-Tibet railway "cultural genocide"Chinese scholars accuse Dalai Lama of "sowing seeds of violence" |
Stop the ban!No to prohibition - be solidly behind Communist Youth Union of the Czech Republic! |

Socialism = Soviet Power + Internetwww.secarts.org - youll never surf alone!
I. Who we areFor ongoing four years, we use and edit the platform www.secarts.org. The Progress of global interconnection, of real-time communication, of linking the various sections of collective political activity allow closer, deeper and less barred cooperation unthinkable still only few years ago. In line with the continuous, partly also volatile evolution of our website, we intend to set the topic regarding articles, discussions and read more
01.10.2006 • By AG Internationalismus
01.10.2006 • By AG Internationalismus